Pre-Christmas Dinner
[Thursday, 12 November 2015 09:38]
Club officials will have to make a decision this coming weekend as to whether they are to proceed with their proposed Pre-Christmas Dinner in the 1984 Lounge on December 4th.
Despite the sell-out signs being posted fairly quickly last year for a similar event and a great night being had by all, ticket sales to date this time round have to date been disappointing.
A reminder that entertainment on the night will be provided by well known After Dinner Speaker Peter Brown and our own Dick Campbell.
Tickets are priced at £25 which includes a two course meal plus cheese/biscuits and coffee.
Anyone still interested in attending should get in touch with David McGregor over the next 72 hours by telephoning 07871165689 or e mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.