Colin Brown BEM
[Monday, 15 April 2024 12:45]

Forfar Athletic Directors and Officials were saddened to hear the news on Saturday evening just after they returned from Peterhead of the passing of Forfar Farmington founder and Club President Colin Brown.
Colin was first and foremost a family man but his contribution to the Womens game particularly in Forfar but throughout Scotland into the bargain over the last forty years and more is quite frankly legendary.
He was instrumental in drawing the ‘Loons’ and Farmington closer together back in 2012 when he was one of the major players in the planning of the joint venture which culminated in the installation of the 3G playing surface that they have shared since along with the whole community at Station Park.
Colin served for a period on the SFA Council as one of the SWFA representatives, but he also had without doubt an undying passion for the ‘Loons’ having been a lifelong and one has to be honest a vociferous supporter of his hometown club since childhood.
He in fact served as probably the youngest board member of the club ever during the 1971-2 season.
In later life he entered the local political arena serving the town he loved as an independent councillor and as Depute Provost of Angus.
They say in Ireland that to be classed as a ‘character’ in your local community is the greatest honour that can be bestowed. Well in our own ‘toonie’ where they are becoming perhaps as time evolves much less in number, Colin was definitely without doubt a character in the best sense and meaning of the word.
At this sad time the thoughts and sympathy of all connected with Forfar Athletic are with Jan, Gillian, Alison and Nicola and their extended family.
As a mark of respect the Forfar Athletic flag will be flown at half mast at this Saturday’s home game with East Fife.