14th Annual Am-Am Golf Tournament
[Wednesday, 16 June 2010 01:00]

Forfar Athletic will hold it's 14th Annual Am-Am Golf Tournament on Wednesday 18 August 2010.
Teams of Four (Ladies and/or Gents)
(1) Stableford using best two net scores at each hole
(2) Team Rotational Ball
We are once again holding the above event at Forfar Golf Club and invite you to enter a team into the tournament with an entry fee of £350 + VAT per team of 4.
Your company is guaranteed a most enjoyable day out and all clear proceeds from the day will be utilised towards efforts to continue the progress made on the park during the past year.
To avoid disappointment due to over subscription it would be advisable to book via the entry form which can be obtained from any Director at the Club. In this regard if you are unsure of the make up of the team then we encourage you to return the entry form and provide fuller information on individual team members at a later date. Late starters should be aware that it may be necessary to start the raffle & prize giving before the conclusion of their meal.
- Meet for coffee and sandwiches at Forfar Golf Club 45 minutes before your tee off time. (You will be notified by email or post of your time).
- During your round refreshments will be served at the 7th green and 10th tee.
- 3 Course Dinner with Wine in the Clubhouse Dining Room. (Jackets and Ties encouraged but not obligatory).
- After the meal the prize giving, raffle and auction will take place. (6 team prizes will be awarded in the Stableford and Rotational ball competitions plus there will be numerous other prizes for longest drive, nearest the hole etc).
The Directors of Forfar Football Club thank you for your support and look forward to meeting you on the day.