Loons Lottery Jackpot Winners
[Friday, 17 August 2012 09:10]
The £3000 maximum Loons Lottery Draw was shared by two lucky players who chose the correct six from fourteen numbers when the draw was held at Station Park this week.
Kathleen McDonald and Paul Devine each receiving a cheque for the not inconsiderable sum of £1500. Both winners called into the Toycastle to receive their cheques from Forfar Athletic Director, Dennis Fenton. Kathleen actually learned about her win when she was holidaying in the Orkneys, from her brother, Colin Smith, who not only assists in "Lottery Headquarters" each Monday night, but was also the agent who supplied the winning ticket.
Paul actually learned about his win from Dennis, who popped into the Burns Bar with the good news. I am sure that Bruce Edwards who sold the ticket on behalf of the Canmore Bowling Club can expect a pint or two from Paul.
Dennis is always keen to talk to other groups who may be interested in fundraising through "The Loons Lottery". All of the current organisations who sell tickets for their club see the Lottery as a steady source of income throughout the year. If you would like to learn more, just contact Dennis on 464424 or 463001.