Forfar Athletic FC Golf Day
[Tuesday, 06 November 2012 09:06]
The annual golf day next year will take place on 23rd August 2013 at Forfar Golf Course. This is a change from the usual midweek date to a Friday which we understand should be more suitable for a number of players and we thank Forfar Golf Club for being flexible regarding the arrangements.
The format for the day follows the usual lines of teams of four (Male &/or Female) playing for two Stableford competitions. There are also a number of individual special prizes on offer covering nearest the hole, longest drive and nearest the hole in two shots which will keep interest going up to the final hole. A raffle and auction will also take place which Dick & Ian Campbell are usually on hand to help out with and also add some more fun to the proceedings.
The winners of the main competition last year was Avenue Scotland Recruitment a team including our own Dick, Ian Campbell and John Young and the winners of the other competition was long term event supporter Strathtay Potato Company captained by John Smith.
This will be the 16th time the club has organised this event and the Directors look forward to welcoming both regular and new competitors alike along to one of the clubs main fund raising events. If you are interested in putting a team in or wish to find out more regarding the day then please contact Ken Stewart on 01307 461338 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or indeed any of the Directors.
Last year the club obtained specially made Forfar FC Golf Bags and Shoe Bags for prizes, which were much admired by the entrants, and these unique items are now ‘doing the rounds’ promoting the club across the country.