Coach Travel To William Hill Scottish Cup Tie
[Tuesday, 22 January 2013 09:20]

Forfar Athletic officials continue to be delighted by the response to their offer of subsidised coach travel to the William Hill Scottish Cup fifth round tie at the Falkirk Stadium on Saturday February 2nd.
A second coach is now more or less full, but coach tickets will remain on sale at the Toy Castle in Castle Street in the hope that even more ‘Loons’ fans will take the opportunity to make what will be our first ever outing to the Falkirk Stadium.
A reminder that the cost of the coach ticket is only £7 with coaches leaving the Myre Car Park at 12.30 pm prompt, returning straight after the match.
Admission costs on the day have also been pegged at Second Division prices, £12 for adults, £6 concessions.
‘Loons’ officials emphasise that it would be advisable to pop along to see either Maureen or Dennis in the Toy Castle by at the latest Tuesday 29th January, so that transport requirements for the trip to the central belt can be assessed and fully catered for.