Match Day Hospitality
[Thursday, 18 July 2024 10:22]

Club Directors are again delighted with the uptake of the very popular and in demand hospitality for the coming season. Along with the many regulars who have been taking a room in one of our hospitality suites for many years, we have also welcomed a few new groups taking up the opportunity of the limited availability that remained. Our match day hospitality is currently a full house for the coming season but we all hope to have a home cup game when further hospitality would then become available. We do still have availability for this Saturday’s game against Cove Rangers in the Premier Sports Cup.
Match Sponsorship
Again as with normal hospitality, the uptake from regular guests to continue with their match sponsorship has been high, and as always very much appreciated by the Board of Directors. We do still have two dates remaining, being for the games on 3rd August v Clyde, and also 24th August v Edinburgh City for any individuals or businesses keen to get their ‘foot in the door’ and take up one of the remaining dates.
1984 Lounge Hospitality
Again it's great to welcome the regular guests and a few new faces taking up the popular hospitality in the lounge. The package on offer provides a 2 course buffet and drinks package in a more informal environment within the 1984 lounge. A few games remain available for any interested parties, these dates being 24th August, 31st August, 28th December and 25th January.
Please contact club director John Milne if interested in booking any of the available dates- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.